Our project does not involve administration of any medicinal product, any clinical trial or study. Also, it does not concern Human Genetic Material or biological samples of any kind. However, should processing of personal data arise as a result of this project, Informed consent declarations will be signed by all participants, along with confidentiality agreements by all researchers, in order to ensure all sensitive information will be handled with care and according to the legislative background as regards personal data protection. The International Bioethics Committee (IBC), as well as all national and local committees will be notified of our project, and all applicable EU, national and local legislation will be respected and adhered to.
Yes/No | Page |
Informed consent | ||
Does the proposal involve children? | NO | |
Does the proposal involve patients or persons not able to give consent? | NO | |
Does the proposal involve adult healthy volunteers? | NO | |
Does the proposal involve Human Genetic Material? | NO | |
Does the proposal involve Human biological samples? | NO | |
Does the proposal involve Human data collection? | NO | |
Research on Human embryo/foetus | ||
Does the proposal involve Human embryos? | NO | |
Does the proposal involve Human Foetal Tissue / Cells? | NO | |
Does the proposal involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells? | NO | |
Privacy | ||
Does the proposal involve processing of genetic information or personal data (e.g. health, sexual lifestyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical conviction) | NO | |
Does the proposal involve tracking the location or observation of people? | NO | |
Research on animals | ||
Does the proposal involve research on animals? | NO | |
Are those animals transgenic small laboratory animals? | NO | |
Are those animals transgenic farm animals? | NO | |
Are those animals cloning farm animals? | NO | |
Are those animals non-human primates? | NO | |
Research involving Developing Countries | ||
Use of local resources (genetic, animal, plant, etc.) | NO | |
Benefit to local community (capacity building i.e. access to healthcare, education, etc.) | NO | |
Dual Use | ||
Research having potential military / terrorist application | NO | |